
Institute for Philanthropy Tsinghua University

The China NonProfit Review Vol.14_CNPR article 1

The     China Nonprofit Review

2022,     Vol.14

©     The Author(s) 2022



Shedding New Light on Old Data

Huafang Li 


Using old data is not a new business in nonprofit research. However, the importance and potential of using old data for new nonprofit research seemed to be underestimated. This article reemphasizes the necessity of using old data, categorizes various old data, and showcases how to use them to advance nonprofit research. This article also discusses the process and issues of making old data available, accessible, and searchable and urges nonprofit scholars to publicize their data to enhance academic transparency and accountability and benefit new research.



secondary data, data availability, data accessibility, data search, nonprofit research


* Huafang Li, assistant professor, graduate school of public and international affairs, University of Pittsburgh. 

Please click the link to see the full article. E001-Huafeng Li_Shedding New Light on Old Data.pdf